Avatar created for the Hill Climb Racing 2 player AntraxAntrax

Avatar created for the Hill Climb Racing 2 player Antrax

Created with Gimp for the YouTube channel.

Biclas - Brand Mascot created with GimpBiclas - My mascot

Biclas - Brand Mascot created with Gimp

Several digital paintings and studies

Narciso Ornelas logoNarciso Ornelas logo

Narciso Ornelas logo

My logo and the thought process behind it.

Graphite drawing from 2019Drawings from 2019

Graphite drawing from 2019

Some drawings and studies from 2019

Vector logo create for OpotoursOpotours logo

Vector logo create for Opotours

Logo created for the hiking business Opotours

Illustrations for the poetry book "Vocação Solar"Vocação Solar

Illustrations for the poetry book "Vocação Solar"

Illustrations for the poetry book "Vocação Solar"

Illustrations for the poetry book "Há de a Poesia Ficar"Há de a Poesia Ficar

Illustrations for the poetry book "Há de a Poesia Ficar"

Illustrations for the poetry book "Há de a Poesia Ficar"

Drawings of vegetationDrawings of vegetation

Drawings of vegetation

These drawings were present in a collective exhibition

Digital paintingsDigital paintings from 2013

Digital paintings

Some digital paintings

Art Contest "Lotaria Portuguesa"Lotaria Portuguesa Art Contest

Art Contest "Lotaria Portuguesa"

Art Contest "Lotaria Portuguesa"

I won the international art contest created by 5 Pieces GalleryArt Contest - 5 Pieces Gallery

I won the international art contest created by 5 Pieces Gallery

I won the international art contest created by 5 Pieces Gallery

Colored pencil portraits from 2012Colored pencil portraits from 2012

Colored pencil portraits from 2012

From a time i tried to do some portraits

Art event "Vespart"Vespart

Art event "Vespart"

Created with Gimp

Self-portrait created with GimpSelf-portrait

Self-portrait created with Gimp

Self-portrait created with Gimp

Digital paintings for the fanzine Lacuna "Entidades"Fanzine Lacuna - Entidades

Digital paintings for the fanzine Lacuna "Entidades"

Digital paintings created for fanzine Lacuna

Drawings for the art exhibition "Um desenho de cada vez"Um desenho de cada vez

Drawings for the art exhibition "Um desenho de cada vez"

Drawings for the art exhibition "Um desenho de cada vez"

Exposição Box Parade - Vaquinhavaquinha

Exposição Box Parade - Vaquinha

Exposição organizada pelo Arquivo Regional da Madeira e a Universidade da Madeira

Illustrations for a poetry book "No Amor das Coisas Gregas"No Amor das Coisas Gregas

Illustrations for a poetry book "No Amor das Coisas Gregas"

Illustrations for a poetry book "No Amor das Coisas Gregas"

Drawings from 2000Drawings from 2000

Drawings from 2000

Drawings from 2000

Drawings from 1999Drawings from 1999

Drawings from 1999

Drawings from 1999

Drawings from 1998Drawings from 1998

Drawings from 1998

Drawings from 1998

Drawings from 1996Drawings from 1996

Drawings from 1996

Drawings from 1996

Drawings from 1995Drawings from 1995

Drawings from 1995

Drawings from 1995

Drawings from 1994Drawings from 1994

Drawings from 1994

Drawings from 1994

Drawings from 1993Drawings from 1993

Drawings from 1993

Drawings from 1993

Drawings from 1992Drawings from 1992

Drawings from 1992

Two drawings from when i was ten years old